Pro360 Lacton Chocolate 200g Supplement Powder for Breastfeeding and Lactating Mothers - Enriched with Shatavari, Silymarin, Moringa, Curcumin, Cumin, Fennel, Fenugreek to Boost Lactation

₹360.00 ₹449.00

  • Product Code: Pro360 Lacton Chocolate 200g
  • Availability: In Stock

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  • provides the required energy for daily nutritional needs of the breastfeeding mothers
  • Ensuring adequate supply of nutritious breast milk
  • support the infant's brain and nervous system
  • Better immunity support
  • strong bones and teeth development

Pro360 Lacton is a wholesome lactation nutritional supplement for breastfeeding mothers. Inspired by traditional processes in a modern approach, Pro360 Lacton is carefully formulated with 9 herbal ingredients that helps to promote and enrich mother’s milk secretion. 

Shatavari is added for its galactagogue effect and other herbal ingredients like Moringa, Silymarin, Fenugreek, Cumin, Curcumin, Pomegranate, Cardamom provides support to maintain the health of the mother and the infant. Formulated with natural galactogogues which helps in improving the breast milk production by increasing prolactin (hormones that stimulate milk production).

Pro360 Lacton is enriched with 9 Natural Ayurvedic Herbal Extracts for Healthy Lactation that ensures an adequate supply of nutritious breast milk for feeding mothers. 

With excellent sources of dietary protein to maintain daily nutritional needs and DHA for the growth and development of the baby's brain and nervous system. Pro360 Lacton also contains Folic acid, Iron, Calcium, Zinc and other essential vitamins and minerals to increase immunity and strong bone development.

Thus Pro360 Lacton will be a good companion for new feeding mothers in their post pregnancy journey. 

When to consume Pro360 Lacton protein health drink

  • 1 serving of Pro360 Lacton Protein powder can be consumed between a major meal (eg: lunch/dinner)
  • Evening or bedtime snack
  • As directed by physician/dietician

How to make nutritious mug of Pro360 Lacton Breastfeeding health drink

Take 200ml of lukewarm or cold milk

Add 2 heaped scoops of Pro360 Lacton Chocolate Protein powder

Gradually add powder and stir until the powder completely dissolves

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Frequently Asked Questions

A: yes it does and other factors like latching the baby also helps

A: Each babies needs are different so is the supply is hence produced as per the baby's demand