You wanna diet? Every other program you join will ask you to do a detox or body cleanse diet, which keeps you only on liquids ranging from 3 days to 7 days. This kind of a instant cleanse gives instant weight loss too.!! But are they healthy to be incorporated in our day to day routine.
As a nutritionist perspective, it's not healthy as it will not be balanced meal if they are just on fluids. Simple fact here is more fluids more water gets flushed out in-turn weight loss is achieved. No wonder.!!!
But detox water can be healthy if you combine them along with a healthy balanced diet. Here are some of our best recommendations which not just cleanses your body but also adds nutritional benefit to your diet.
1. Wheatgrass detox water:
Wheatgrass, as the name suggest these are cultivated from wheat grains. This can be your healthy kitchen garden herb too.
- Rich in dietary fiber
- Curbs hunger, makes you feel satiated
- Regulates blood glucose levels
- Detoxification
- Weight Loss
- Wheat grass - 1 cup
- Lemon - 1 no
- Water - 2-3 cups
- Wash the wheat grass with lukewarm water, as they may have lot of soil.
- Blend the ingredients together in a mixer to a homogeneous liquid and strain it off.
- Now enjoy this drink as the first thing in the morning or sip through the day as needed.
2. Cinnamon water:
Cinnamon is a spice used to enhance the flavor and aroma for various dishes. But they do possess a excellent nutrition profile when consumed the right way.
- antibacterial and antifungal
- Powerful antioxidants
- Regulates blood glucose levels
- Maintains blood pressure
- Reduces insulin resistance
- Hormonal balance
Method: just brew a pinch to two in hot water and drink your day.
3. Refreshing detox water
This is a drink which uses 2-3 ingredients to provide maximum detoxification and replenished electrolytes level. The magical ingredients are good source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, immune nutrients, aids digestion, anti inflammatory and goes on
Lemon: 1 medium sized peeled and thinly sliced
Mint: 4 - 5 leaves
Cucumber: 1 medium sized peeled and thinly sliced
Water : 2 litres
Ginger: 1 tsp
- Take a jar of 2 litres water add all the above mentioned ingredients.
- Let it get infused for 2-3 hrs
- This drink can be sipped on as a replacement for regular water throughout the day.
In case you feel the infused veggies are just a waste to throw off, grind them and use it as drink in between meals